Telecommuting Consultants International, Inc.
Benefits for the Enterprise
Space Savings - Substitute
Telework involves the re-location and/or duplication of a set of tools, enabling staff to perform all or some of their tasks from a location remote from the traditional office. Giving staff the tools to work offsite, or virtually, means work can be carried out from one or several locations, including a home office, a client's or another government site, or "on the road." By extending the spectrum of where work can be done, the walls of the traditional office expand. Reciprocally, the overall reliance on dedicated facility space is reduced or becomes redundant, as work type and function migrate to the “site where the job best gets done.”
Job Performance
”Productivity reflects results as a function of effort.”* A workplace is a framework in which performance and the well-being of employees go hand in hand. The most effective workplace redesign is one which reduces the physical and psychological demands of the job, resulting in enhanced productivity and organizational success. Expanding the context in which work can be accomplished improves the flexibility of skills application and contributes to increased autonomy and job satisfaction. Tracking research consistently indicates that when the location from which work is delivered is less important that what is delivered, job performance and quality of output are enhanced by increments of between 5% and 20%.

Source: Brinkerhoff, R., & Dressler, D., Introduction to Productivity Measurement, Beyond Accuracy: What Makes Successful Measures, from Productivity Measurement: A Guide for Managers and Evaluators, (Sage Publications, 1990), pp. 15-25, 45-54.

Absenteeism is one way staff manifest the stress of work-life conflicts. Any reduction in absenteeism is an indication that a workplace redesign has effectively reduced such stress. Some studies show that virtual work options can reduce typical absenteeism by an average of 1-2 days per year, per employee. More recent PWGSC data indicates reductions during winter months can be as high as 1-2 days per month. Staff with the tools to work remotely can get the job done when a family or personal issue, work load, the weather or an emergency prevent them from attending the office site.

Source: Tracking Temporary Telework at PWGSC – Ontario Region – Telecommuting Consultants International. Inc.

Retention & Duty to Accommodate
Staff retention improves in organizations that integrate virtual work environments. Studies consistently show that staff are prepared to stay longer in jobs that incorporate a remote component. Between 20% and 33% of virtual staff say they would choose remote work over a salary raise. Staff with special needs or physical challenges stay in jobs and remain productive, if accommodated by the flexibility to work remotely.

Source: Telecommuting Consultants International, Inc. Normative Database – 2004.
